Google Project Setup

In order to gain access to a Google Calendar and operate with its data, TheBooking needs to be connected to the Google APIs. To make such connection, a Google Project has to be created.

Let's see how.

You DO NOT NEED to activate the Google Cloud trial, nor any other paid storage option!

Google often changes the console aspect. If you find those guide not being updated to the current state, just drop a message to our support.

Step 1

Log into your Google Account.

Step 2

Go to the Google API Console (the link should open the page in a new tab). If a Google Cloud free trial banner appears on top, just dismiss it. Note that Create a project should appear in the dropdown.

Click Continue.

Step 3

The Google Calendar API are enabled. Click Go to credentials.

In case you don't see the Go to credentials button, navigate the menu to reach the credentials section, as illustrated in the screenshot below.

Step 4

Click on Configure consent screen.

Select the External option and click on Create.

Step 5

In the next step oAuth consent screen, choose an App name (it can be anything, just take note of it as you have to provide it in TeamBooking later).

Select the User support email from the dropdown.

Under Developer contact information insert your Gmail address (it can be the same as User support email).

Then click Save and continue.

Step 6

In the next 2 steps (Scopes and Test users), DO NOTHING. Just hit Save and continue.

At the Summary step, hit Back to dashboard.

Step 7

Now click on Publish app and confirm.

Step 8

Back in the Credentials section, click on Create credentials and select OAuth client ID from the dropdown.

Step 9

Select Web application in the dropdown. Insert the Authorized Redirect URI and the Authorized Javascript origins.

Where you can find both? Just open another browser tab and go to the WordPress admin dashboard of your website. Go to TeamBooking > Settings > Google Calendar and copy the URIs from there. Ensure that you are pasting them in the correct destination fields.

PLEASE NOTE Those URIs need to be https for security reasons. Therefore your website need to have an SSL certificate in order to use Google APIs. If URIs that TeamBooking displays are of http type, then ask to your hosting how to activate an SSL certificate.

Finally, hit the Create button.

Step 10

Take note of the Client ID and Client Secret.


The Google Project is now successfully created and configured. If the above steps were done correctly, you should have the following 3 pieces of configuration:

  1. App name

  2. Client ID

  3. Client Secret

Go back in TheBooking > Settings > Google Calendar and fill the configuration fields with the data you now have.

Last updated